Save the date: October 18-21, 2025
Registration opens March 1, 2025!
World Center Marriott · Orlando, FL
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Visit NFRAConvention.org for more details
Discover. Connect. Grow.
The NFRA Convention offers the opportunity to meet with the entire industry in one place. Product showcasing and sponsorship opportunities put your brand or new product front and center. Visit NFRAConvention.org for more details!
The Customer Business Meeting Approach
The NFRA Convention isn’t just your typical industry event. While there are breakfast speakers, luncheons and receptions, most of your time spent at the NFRA Convention will be in one-on-one business meetings with the companies of your choice. The real value of this Convention is that all the major companies in the industry – retailers, manufacturers, sales agents, logistics providers, suppliers – are all in one place, making it possible to hold dozens of meetings in just a few days.
How Customer Business Meetings Work
NFRA provides Retailer members with complimentary meeting rooms so they may hold appointments throughout the Convention. These meetings can take any direction the participants choose, from the review of an established account to the introduction of a new product. See the Meetings page for full details.